BMF 2009 Oscar Contest

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Contest Results!!

Slumdog Millionaire won 8 Oscars! Damn impressive for a flick that almost went straight to DVD. Tells you how much Hollywood knows.

But what about the BMF contest? That was a race down to the wire and beyond. For an Oscar show that never strayed from the expected, the conventional wisdom took the contest by storm. First off, a special shout-out to Pauline the Great. In a hotly contest worst showing, several submissions hit 5 correct picks, including Pauline the Great. However, it was with the extra push from a second submission that Pauline the Great nailed a whole 4 picks. Better luck next year.

The Franchise, with a last minute submission, scored a whopping 14 out of 15. Kentobox also put his film major background to work, nailing all but one correctly. Congrats on a hell of a job.

However, two contenders did them one better. Yup, Jenny and Loc scored impressive perfect scores, nailing 15 out of 15 in the selected categories. Crikeys!! So it came down to the tiebreakers.

Who picked Slumdog Millionaire as the winner of most awards? Both of them!! Double crikey!! But, Jenny gave the proverbial underdog a total of 5 awards while Loc dropped the magical 6! Yup, in a year that required a tiebreaker to declare a victor, the domination of Slumdog Millionaire catapulted Loc to victory. When asked how it felt to win it all, Loc had this to say:

"Patting myself on the back would be classless. So I congratulate all those that came so close and put up a great fight. I hope to see you next year as I defend my title."

He said this while patting himself on the back. (much like Barry Horowitz at 35 seconds)

Hope everyone had fun. See you next year!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Contest Tracking!

Live tracking is here! Follow below as we see who will win in the BMF 2009 Oscar Contest. Quick congrats to the 3 No Name entries, good job in forgetting to submit a name. We have no idea who you are, but good luck. And congrats to Jenny for submitting the most entries. And congrats to Jenny for picking the exact same movies as Loc. I guess we'll be deciding the winner of the tiebreakers. Enjoy!

And here we have the original submissions for all to view and gawk at.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oscar Contest!

The submission form is closed, but you can follow along with the results above!

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